A group of 16 people in muddy athletic wear pose together in a grassy field with trees in the background. They are smiling, some giving thumbs-ups, indicating they have just completed a challenging outdoor event. Their shirts say "Team Leonard," a testament to their outdoor adventure contrasting their everyday interests in architecture and interiors.

Earlier this year, the Leonard Design team rallied together for multiple charitable causes all worth shouting about.

The NACL Charity Bowling Event

This year marked the first event held by the Nottingham Architects’ Charity League, bringing together local architectural practices to take part in a bowling competition. With thanks to some amazing sponsors, every practice that took part were able to donate at least £500 to their chosen local charity.

Team Leonard Design hit the lanes and managed to come away as the winner of the whole competition. This resulted in the team being awarded a huge £2,000 to be donated to a chosen local charity, Tara’s Angels. Take a look at the giant cheque we received!
Tara’s Angels is an organisation set up in memory of Tara Newbold, a mother of three who sadly lost her life in 2016, after being a victim of domestic violence.

Tara’s family and friends decided to raise awareness and support vulnerable women and children across Nottinghamshire. These families flee their homes sometimes at such short notice that themselves and their children leave with little more than the clothes they are wearing. They are put up in refuges and safe house amongst the county and are supported by the charity to try and start afresh to rebuild their lives for themselves and their children.

Two photos side by side. The left photo shows a group of people posing in front of a banner for a 2023 charity event, celebrating their contributions to architecture and graphic design. The right photo features the same group proudly holding a large cheque for £2000 awarded in the Nottingham Architects Charity League 2023.

Tough Mudder

Not only have the team taken on the polished lanes of the bowling alley, but also the muddy mess of Belvoir Castle for Tough Mudder. The Leonard Design team really got stuck in (literally in some cases), both on the course and in raising money. With thanks to multiple generous donations the team were able to raise just over £1,450, again for our local charity of choice Tara’s Angels.

Four people, wearing black "Leonard Design" shirts, participate in a Tough Mudder event. They traverse through dangling electrical wires while grimacing. The scene is intense and muddy with the Tough Mudder logo in the bottom right corner—a true test of endurance and team spirit by master planners.

Suit Donation Success Stories

Earlier this year, led by director John Morgan, the Leonard Design team encouraged local men to donate their suits to help recently released inmates from HMP Nottingham. Helping them stand tall and feel amazing when looking for new jobs. The initiative has been a resounding success with multiple recipients of clothing and we are now getting news through of multiple full-time employments secured!

A composite image with three panels: the left panel shows a rack of suits and jackets; the middle panel highlights a man in a Leonard Design suit standing in front of a backdrop with design-themed text; the right panel presents a man in work clothes at a construction site.

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