


The transformation and reintegration of a key city location in Cambridge.

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The Beehive

Cambridge, UK

A vibrant urban courtyard, designed by Leonard Design, features people sitting on grassy areas and wooden benches, watching a large outdoor screen displaying an image of space. Surrounding the courtyard are modern multi-story buildings with large windows, and trees are scattered throughout the area.
A lively outdoor shopping area with people walking and sitting at café tables. Buildings line the walkway, including a restaurant named "Rustica" and a biotech store. Thoughtful interior design complements the greenery and string lights, creating a vibrant atmosphere. A prominent "Garden Walk" sign is displayed.

The Beehive Redevelopment will create a new nationally significant research hub in Cambridge. A new typology of R&D cluster that is embedded within the city; the project will contribute significantly to the scientific landscape of the city whilst also providing a new public-realm led local centre.

Aerial view of an urban area with various buildings, roads, and green spaces. The layout features a mix of residential and commercial structures, parks, and a railway line at the bottom. The masterplanning design includes multiple blue-roofed buildings, tree-lined streets, and showcases modern architecture.
A modern outdoor urban space with people dining and relaxing amidst stylish architecture, green landscaping, a small water feature, and outdoor seating. Two birds fly overhead in a clear blue sky, enhancing the tranquil setting where trees and greenery add a touch of nature to the expertly designed scene.
  • 1.5m

    1.5 million square feet of new workplace and lab buildings

  • 70k

    70,000 square feet of mixed-use local centre at ground level

  • 2.9ha

    2.9 hectares of public realm

  • 100%

    100% biodiversity net gain

  • 200

    200 new trees

  • 22

    22 mixed-use ground floor units

  • 625m

    £625 million economic output (GVA) supported annually

The Beehive Cambridge, UK city location in Cambridge Projects Masterplanning