


A celebration of a city of
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Broad Marsh Bus Station and Car Park

Nottingham, UK

A green sign indicates "Level 2" with a white outline drawing of a mythological creature, resembling a lion with a human face. The sign, an example of striking graphic design, is mounted on a column in the modern architecture of a concrete building.

As part of the Nottingham Southside redevelopment programme, a comprehensive signage and wayfinding solution for a new landmark transport hub; a bus terminal and multi-storey car park which is a key part of a rejuvenated gateway to the city.

A green wall is decorated with white line art illustrations, including a windmill, trees, and various nature-related icons. Prominently displayed in the center are the words "WE ARE NOTHING." The interconnected drawings create a harmonious design, showcasing excellence in interior design.
A rectangular sign with the text
A close-up photograph of a sign displaying the number 2 in large white font with a black outline against a dark green background. The background of the image is blurred, making the number and colors on the sign stand out—a perfect detail often found in Leonard Design masterplanning interiors.
An orange sign in a parking garage shows
Close-up of a red glass door with the white text
A multilevel car park entrance with a sign reading "Broad Marsh Car Park" and "Entrance" next to a parking symbol, designed by Leonard Design. A height restriction barrier is visible. Modern buildings and a partly cloudy sky are in the background. A sign below advertises opening in November.
Broad Marsh Bus Station and Car Park Nottingham, UK Graphic Design Project City Centre